Our Facilities
Craven Field

- Our field is maintained by volunteers/coaches - not the town. Please make sure you take all trash with you and leave the complex in better shape than you found it.
- There is a parking lot, you can park along the sides, and in the middle (but don’t block anyone in). If the lot is full, you can park along New Fitchburg Rd outside of the field – however you should not park so close to the entrance that you are blocking the visibility into the road from those pulling out of the field.
- There is a batting cage at the field along the 1st base line. This can be used whenever there is a game not actively in progress. Do NOT hit into any fences.
- There is a snack shack (food, snacks and drinks) up and running and is located immediately behind the backstop (Cash & Venmo (@TAYBS) Accepted).
- There are bleachers on both the home and away sides, but limited capacity. We recommend you bring chairs.
- There is a portable toilet on the right side of the lot (as if you were coming in from the road)
- There are walled/covered dugouts for the players (Home is along 1st base & Visitors along 3rd base)
- The field is surrounded by trees, so there is some shade (but this means it gets dark early at this field)
- This field is sprayed for mosquitos, but we still recommend you bring your own bug spray.
- The dugouts have a front row – there should never be players in this row, players must remain inside the dugouts unless they are on deck. We have had kids get seriously injured by foul balls by being in this row. Umpires are instructed to enforce this rule.
- Make sure the field gates next to the dugout are closed – these gates open the wrong way, and a player can run into them if not careful. Umpires are instructed to enforce this rule.
- On deck batters should be outside the fence next to the dugout, on deck batter should not be within the fenced in area. Umpires are instructed to enforce this rule.
- Parents are NOT allowed in the dugouts unless there is an emergency with your child.
- No parent, player or coach is allowed to negatively speak with or about our umpires.
- No parent should ever be shouting instructions into the field - let the coaches do their jobs.
- At the end of a game, it is expected that the home team families help with cleaning the fields. This includes, dragging the field, raking the base paths & mounds, putting the tarps on and emptying the trash barrels from the dugouts. Do not be the parent that just grabs their kid at the end of the game and leaves without offering to help. Our coaches and volunteers do enough, help them out!
- Our fields strictly do not allow smoking, vaping, drinking or drug use - anywhere at our facilities - including the parking lots. Please be sure to adhere to all signage at our fields, you can and will be ask to leave if you do not abide by our rules.
- There are NO animals (i.e., dogs) allowed anywhere on the grounds (including parking lots and vehicles) - this includes NO emotional support animals. Only state licensed and state trained service animals providing an official service for a legally handicap person are allowed - service animal state documentation showing their license and training are required to be shown at the field. Games will be put on hold until any animals are removed from the grounds.
Spaulding Fields
Field 1 Parking
Field 2 Parking
Field 3 Parking
Fields 4 & 5 Parking

- This complex was just built this season, so we are still working out/in construction on a lot of things – please be understanding.
- Our fields are maintained by volunteers/coaches - not the town. Please make sure you take all trash with you and leave the complex in better shape than you found it.
- There is parking all around the fields – do not park in front of the gates - you will be towed.
- There are walled/covered dugouts for the players on fields 1, 2 and 3.
- There are multiple fields at the complex, any of them not in use can be used for practices.
- There are no batting cages at this time – do NOT hit into any of the fences.
- There is a snack shack (food, snacks and drinks) up and running, which is located immediately behind the backstop (Cash & Venmo (@TAYBS) Accepted Only)
- There is very limited shade at this field, please plan accordingly.
- There are bleachers for Field 1, limited for field 2, and no bleachers for Field 3, 4 or 5, so please bring chairs.
- There is a portable toilet on the Eastman St side next to the emergency entrance gate.
- There is a enclosed public playground attached to the north of the playgrounds, and there is a school playground attached to the west of our fields. You can use these playgrounds, but please respect their rules.
- Parents are NOT allowed in the dugouts unless there is an emergency with your child.
- No parent, player or coach is allowed to negatively speak with our umpires.
- No parent should ever be shouting instructions into the field - let the coaches do their jobs.
- At the end of a game, it is expected that the home team families help with cleaning the fields. This includes, dragging the field, raking the base paths & mounds, putting the tarps on and emptying the trash barrels from the dugouts. Do not be the parent that just grabs their kid at the end of the game and leaves without offering to help. The coaches do enough, help them out!
- Our fields strictly do not allow smoking, vaping, drinking or drug use - anywhere at our facilities - including the parking lots. Please be sure to adhere to all signage at our fields, you can and will be ask to leave if you do not abide by our rules.
- There are NO animals (i.e., dogs) allowed anywhere on the grounds (including parking lots and vehicles) - this includes NO emotional support animals. Only state licensed and state trained service animals providing an official service for a legally handicap person are allowed - service animal state documentation showing their license and training are required to be shown at the field. Games will be put on hold until the animal is removed from the grounds.